Sunday, August 5, 2012

The calm before the storm

Tomorrow is the big day. The day that we hopefully find out a treatment plan. The anticipation for tomorrow has been hard for all of us so we made a conscious effort to try to make this weekend as fun and distracting as possible. Today's adventures have included sleeping in (well, the boys did anyway...Ella's teeth were not as cooperative for her and I), visiting with my godmother and parents,

E helping Grandpa move mulch around

 going riding, and Geoff and the kids hanging out and watching the Olympics while I was gone.

I absolutely hate photos of myself, esp. when it's so obvious how overweight I am...I decided that I am going to be tough and post this anyway...Thanks photographer :)
Ella Bean amusing herself (not exactly her forte)


  1. You look gorgeous on that horse!! Love this post. I'll be thinking if you and wishing for the best tomorrow.

  2. Gin, good luck today! You are an amazing STRONG *Mama*. (Did you like my use of Mama?!) You will get through this with wit and beauty as already evidenced by this blog!!
