Sunday, August 12, 2012


So today we all woke up feeling miserable. Geoff has had a lingering cold for about a week now and it seems it spread to the rest of us. I can't speak for everyone else but I ache everywhere, have a semi-sore throat, runny nose and I just want to sleep.

I feel terrible that we visited my grandparents yesterday though I'm glad that I tried to keep the kids from touching anyone too much because I suspected this may happen. I swear every time I talk about visiting my grandparents our kids get sick.

I also feel bad because one of my best friends and her family were coming to visit today and I didn't realize how crummy everyone was feeling until they were already on their way. I apologized profusely when they got here but they didn't seem too concerned.

I'm so glad they came. It was short and sweet. The kids all had a few hours to play together, though E was  feeling so miserable he barely played (I did manage to capture a photo of the two boys playing backwards have no idea how hard it is to capture photos of 3 year old boys).

Our friends were kind enough to make lunch for us too. Our kids played after lunch until it was apparent that nap-time was overdue. When they left E asked to go to bed and put himself down for a nap. Ella was content to take a nap with me and Geoff did some errands. All in all it was a perfect Sunday despite the colds.

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