Last weekend we drove to visit my grandparents and today we drove to visit Geoff's grandmother and Aunt.
We want to make sure we see all the grandparents before I start treatments for three reasons...Number 1. we haven't seen any of them recently so we are due for visits and we aren't sure how much I'll feel up to traveling in the near future 2. we want to check in on them 3. we want them to be able to see us and the kids and know we really are ok.
It was a nice day for a little road trip and visit and we had a good time.
E spent much of the day playing with a trolley car toy. |
Geoff and Grandma making lunch. |
The kiddos checking on the pups. |
Since the visits were fairly last minute we couldn't get the Coon hounds their usual suite together at the kennel (they could be separate, but we aren't sure that would go over so well), so with Grandma's approval we brought them with. They did their best to make sure they will not be invited back by Grandma or her neighbors. The video below is of them at their best...
Geoff, Aunt Pat, Grandma, Ella, and E. | | | | | | | | |
E teaching Grandma how to use "his" iPad. |
Wilco the weirdo wienie. |
I wish next weekend we were off to visit Geoff's other grandparents in Australia...Probably not going to work with my treatment schedule right now so we'll have to wait until I'm done with midwifery school like previously planned.
What a gorgeous family you have!