Tuesday, November 13, 2012

You are going to pull it out through what?

Hi gang, this is Geoff.

So tomorrow is surgery. It feels like people (including ourselves) have been lowering our expectations in regards to the severity of the surgery. Originally it seemed like some insane thing where Gin would be in the hospital for a week and be unable to lift the kids forever and our lives generally sucking (this was back in the days when it was going to be a radical hysterectomy - remember those?). Now, it sounds like something on par with an appendectomy. She'll be home Wednesday (fingers crossed). They are taking it out through her belly button (more on that in a minute). No biggie. If we still did triathlons, we could be doing one this weekend as a cute couple in stupid costumes with signs saying "cancer sux" or something like that. OK, the triathlon thing is certainly an exaggeration, but it shouldn't be terrible, except that...

1. We are both tired. Like, completely depleted, exhausted, tired. I can't overstate how tired we both are. This is not a great way to go into any surgery. This is not a great way to go into anything. Is it weird that I wonder if being knocked out for surgery kind of works as a substitute for sleeping (ie, does your body do REM sleep during anesthesia)? If so, I am kind of jealous of Gin, because she will have a four hour nap forced upon her tomorrow afternoon. OK, I'm not jealous at all, because...

2. It is still surgery. Neither of us reacts well to anesthesia. Gin has never really had surgery. All of these things add up to normal surgery worries.

Anyway, there is a bunch more stuff you can probably think of, and you can quibble if that last one should really be three different things. I don't care.  Do you remember the first point? I'm really tired.

So about removing a uterus through a belly button. This seems even more spacial perplexing to  me than giving birth. Plus, the image (I couldn't help myself) is really kind of gross. Honestly, the first thing that came to mind was Egyptians pulling the brain out the nose when mummifying someone. Totally inappropriate.

Now for something completely different, thank you all so much again for your well wishes and prayers. I'll try to get on tomorrow night to let you know how the surgery went.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Geoff and Gin- I hope the two of you get some much needed rest soon-your life won't always be like this. I'll stop in tonight during my break to check in.
