Sunday, November 4, 2012

What I've learned...

As many of my Facebook friends (myself included) take the opportunity each day of November to write something they are thankful for, I realized that it was time to write a post about what I've learned from Cancer.

Now I'm not saying that any of this makes it worth having cancer, but really not everything about cancer is bad. Cancer has taught me a lot. Ok, a lot of it I knew pre-cancer, but cancer has given these lessons new meaning and depth.
  • I've learned to love more openly.
  • I've learned to accept love more openly.
  • I've learned how many people are in my life and to not take anyone for granted.
  • I've learned that I really do have an impact on others.
  • I've learned to be a better listener.
  • I've learned to live in the moment.
  • I've learned to really appreciate the small things.
  • I've learned to prioritize naps (not just for the kids...)
  • I've learned that my household (husband, kids, pets) are more important that anything else.
  • I've learned that sometimes it's the valet at the hospital that brings the most sunshine into your day.
  • I've learned how important it is to explain everything you are going to do to your patients and to ALWAYS protect their privacy.
  • I've learned to do whatever you can to help someone that needs help. They will remember and appreciate whatever you can do. No matter how big or how small it seems to you.
  • I've learned that while we can't all agree on basic civil rights, religion, or a leader for our country, the fight against cancer is universal.
  • I've learned you really can't judge how a person feels by how they look.
  • I've learned that people, even complete strangers, want to help.
  • I've learned to accept help and even ask for it (possibly the hardest lessons I've learned).
  • I've learned that when/if any of my family/friends go through any hard times I will be there in all the ways that people have been there for me.
There are times when I am so angry about this journey or times when I mourn the loss of what my life could have, should have been. It surprises me to find that there are times that I am thankful for the lessons that this journey has taught me. This journey is not something that I ever would have chosen for myself, but I am glad that I can still find small rays of sunshine peeking through.

Last cancer chain quote of the day:

"The wise man in the storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

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