Monday, November 5, 2012


I have to make this quick because I have more on my plate than I think I can possibly handle right now. To begin with, I still have two pending incompletes from last term. The deadline for incompletes is tomorrow. I have requested an extra week for my Market Research Paper (a really long about 50 pages if you include all the abstracts and references), so I have until November 13th. My other class though I have to take a test by tomorrow night. It shouldn't be that bad, but I have built it into this giant unsurpassable mountain. Did I mention that I may have test anxiety? I usually can keep it from rearing it's ugly head too badly, but this time, it's out of control.

Probably there are good reasons for that. Other things going on tomorrow...I have my big MRI at 6:45 am. Then I have a radiation oncology appointment at 11 am. There is enough time to go home, but not really, so I'm just going to find somewhere to study in the meantime. I'm stressed about all of this, but at the same time I don't feel like I'm going to find out much tomorrow. The final answer won't be until after tumor board reviews everything on Thursday and I would be surprised if I don't end up having surgery next week. Both oncologists seemed pretty set on the surgery...Back to the stressful aspects of it all...There is the fact that I despise MRI's (well, the ones I know I am having anyway). Add that with this frustrating numbness and tingling and it is going to make for a really long time of trying to lay still. Ug!

Then there is the election. I used to hate politics and avoid everything to do with them. Now, I'm not such a fan of politics, but I have very strong political viewpoints. I'm sick of this election. I'm sick of trying to be polite and respectful. More than anything, I'm sick of people calling the minute I get to sleep for a carefully planned nap or ringing my doorbell as soon as I get my kids down for their naps (thereby wrecking my nap). I respect these people and am never mean to them, but seriously people, I voted last week and so did my husband.

In addition to all of this, the three classes that I actually have this term all have tests between now and Friday the 16th. I also have a case study next week. Oh, and I'm probably going to have a hysterectomy.

We got our estimate back to have everything from the bathroom flooding fixed along with a few upgrades and it was thousands, really thousands, apart from what our insurance estimated. Of course our insurance thinks that we can have an electrition make a house-call and replace a recessed light for a $100. So we have phone calls to the insurance company to make. Meanwhile, the bathroom repairs don't start until December 3rd and we haven't even worked out the living room because until we work some of this out with our insurance we have no idea how we are going afford to fix the living room.

Finally, I have a couple friends that are suffering severe losses right now and I want to be there for them. That's what friends are for.

*Sigh* Alright, I got all that off my chest. Sorry it was a lot to unload. I really didn't want this to be a complaining post and I feel like that is the tone it took, so I apologize. I still recognize that I am blessed. I am very fortunate that I have been able to juggle school with all of this. I am fortunate to live somewhere that we are able to vote and make choices about our leaders. I am also fortunate that we have such a nice home with other bathrooms and levels to accommodate us during this time of disarray.

Since the cancer chain quote of the day is now done, I decided that I wanted something to replace it. I liked the theme of my post from yesterday. So for now I am going to give it a little twist and each day I am going to write something different that I can thank cancer for...

Today I am thankful that cancer has left me my hair (for now anyway). My hair and I may not always agree and there are plenty of times when I neglect my hair, but I love having my own hair. It's a part of me that I am grateful to still have.

1 comment:

  1. It is so good to get the thoughts out there, I took a deep breath for you after reading it...lot's to unload! I'm truly amazed at your resolve and ability to plunge through. You could just curl up and say to hell with it, but you choose optomism and forward movement..
