Friday, November 16, 2012

Distractions and Drama

Today is going to be one of those days...I can already tell.

My mom left yesterday before E's nap.

After E woke me up by throwing up all over the both of us and my bed, I gave him a bath. When Geoff came home from work E was still in the tub and E threw up a little again. We got him cleaned up and I figured this would be the end of it. No, I was wrong.

Geoff fed him dinner and shortly happened again. Geoff decided that based off our current situation urgent care was probably a good option. He offered to go with both kids by himself, but at the time Ella was overtired and screaming bloody murder. Even though I had no interest in going, I decided it was in the best interest of everyone if I went along to be the "stroller pusher."

So away we went. E got a full exam in urgent care. Did I mention that he was the happiest, most charming version of himself? Telling everyone "please," "thank you," "I'm tummy hurts...giggle giggle," and my personal favorite (I'm NOT sure where he picked this up from, really) "ya, I'm here cuz I puked." If I were his nurse I would have left the room, giggled, and decided that kid did NOT look sick. 

So back to this full exam. He had his ears examined. One looked fine and the other had a lot of wax, but it seemed fine. He had his throat examined. It was fine. His lymph nodes, fine. His belly, fine...and on and on...When the exam was done, the MD started to talk and I could tell this was going to be the 24 hour bug talk, so I just sat back to listen. He told us that he ruled out appendicitis and testicular torsion and I almost burst out laughing, "you think?" I mean I know vomiting is associated with both of them, but a sing-songy little boy who is trying to climb everything...I guess those options were never in my differential diagnosis.

Did I mention that I was crabby? Ella was asleep in her stroller and I was wishing I was curled up and asleep too. I felt the whole thing was silly and all I could think about was that it was way past E's bedtime and that I wanted a heat pack.

In the end it was decided that E should have half an oral dissolving Zofran tablet (medicine for nausea...pretty much the same med I take, except I take the pill form). He took his half reluctantly and then declared it tasted "fruity." He thanked everyone for making him "feel better," told us he liked the hospital because they were really nice to him and we went home.

When we got home he thanked us "for making me feel all better" and declared he was going to bed. He gave Geoff kisses (I was in our room at the time) and he went to bed. That was it.

I crawled into our bed and Geoff put Ella in with me. She wasn't asleep at this time so we watched a little tv on hulu together until she fell asleep (she frequently cuddles with me if I do this and goes to works so I don't question it).

So back to today...No progress was made around the house last night. All laundry that was done was related to E being sick. Dishes were left in the sink instead of being loaded into the mostly empty dishwasher. Geoff took E to preschool and then Ella to daycare and called to tell me that he forgot diapers for Ella (since we use cloth diapers he takes what we need each day). I suggested buying some disposable at the Walgreens a few blocks away and he acted annoyed with me. I guess that was not the right response.

Geoff is frustrated, frazzled and still extremely over-tired. I'm not exactly sure what to say because I'm walking a fine line with him. I want to help him, but I don't want to insult him.

Personally, I just want to sleep, but I have homework to do. Also I know I can be demanding so I'm trying to be mostly self-sufficient. This way I can have my blankets all exactly the way I want them because I do put them that way myself. I figure if I take care of myself then Geoff doesn't have to worry about me too. This is what I tried to do in the hospital too and it seemed to work.

If you remove all of Geoff's overtired frustration from my life, the biggest frustration I have right now is that I can't fine one of my cats. I know she is here, I've seen her once since I came home, but usually she is by my side and I can't find her for the life of me. She is one of my main napping/homework buddies so my world just doesn't seem right without Petunia. Also, I'm worried that she's hiding because she is hurt. Probably though, she just found a really good hiding spot and it trumps cuddling with me for now.

I have other cats that are more than willing to take her place. Right now in fact I have a cat sleeping on each side of me. Really the answer seems to be that I should just nap and let the world resolve itself, but alas, I can't. Also I have a strong urge to knit (insert giggle here b/c I barely know how to knit), but knitting and watching a movie seem like a really good idea right now. They seem like appropriate post-surgery activities. Homework doesn't. Oh well, I'm not normal and neither is my life. Time to hit the books before everyone comes home with their distractions and drama.

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