Monday, September 10, 2012

Sunday School

Today was E's first day of Sunday school ever. Our church does a 30 minute "family express" service directly before 30 minutes of Sunday school. This worked out perfectly for his attention span.

E sat like a little angel through church. He wasn't so sure about Sunday school so I stayed with him for a few minutes, but he quickly decided that it was ok. In the time I was there they gave him a snack, talked about painting and a treasure chest so I was pretty sure this arrangement was going to work out well by E's standards.

Geoff stayed outside the Sunday school room with Ella who walked him down the hall towards our church nursery. Eventually after I had left E's room we let her go in and the high school girls were more than welcoming. In other words, it seems that our Sunday mornings will now consist of a 1/2 hour of church and then a half hour of kid free time at church. I wonder if they would mind if used that time to take naps on the pews?

After church I spent most of the day working on homework. Overall I'm doing just fine, but I have a big paper that I'm behind on. In order to do the paper I need to do surveys of consumers, other nurses, MDs, and an administrator. Since all of it is supposed to be a market research analysis, all of the people surveyed need to be in WI. I made up a separate blog with appropriate information related to my surveys and made up all the surveys. Unfortunately I still need to make a few adjustments to one of my surveys, but hopefully all of it will be up by tomorrow. Then my job will be hassling everyone I know in WI to take my surveys asap so I can catch up as much as possible.

Projects like this are hard because my heart just isn't into them right now. I appreciate the value of the project and I even look forward to seeing the results, but I'm tired and I just want to sleep. At the same time, I am thoroughly appreciative that I am able to still manage school while I deal with my treatments.

I don't know what I would do without school. I need something other than cancer to focus on. People ask me on a daily basis if I am still doing school and I guess I don't see any other option. It would be different if my classes weren't online and I had to work that into the mix of my treatment schedule, but since I don't, it works.

In other news, today was another really good day. It seems that once I decided to take my anti-nausea meds on a schedule, everything became much easier. I'm only taking them a few times a day, but it is working for now and I feel like I can function pretty well. I hope this continues for the next few weeks. I hate missing out on weekends and quality time with my family.

Since I was feeling so well, I decided to take a break from my homework and go to the stable for a bit tonight. It was the first time I have ridden since I started chemo-radiation and it was wonderful.

Pretend we have helmets on...

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had another good day! and so glad that you are still doing school :D I know one WI person I might be able to get to take your survey... I'll try to contact her :)
