Saturday, September 8, 2012

Neighborhood movie night

Every year our neighbors put on an outdoor movie night. The have a big screen they set up and we all camp out in their backyard and watch a kid movie. The night usually starts with a neighborhood potluck/grill out and sometimes even a game of kickball.

It is pretty awesome!

This year movie night was supposed to be last night; however, due to rain it was rescheduled to tonight. There was no kickball, but everyone still got together to eat. The kids played games, jumped on the trampoline and honestly, I don't even know what else.

E and Ella are the youngest kids in the neighborhood and are mothered and spoiled excessively by the older kids. Before we are even across the street the older kids appear to great them and usually that is the last I see of E for awhile. Not to worry though, because the older kids also keep me up to date on all his movements. Our favorite babysitter also always attends movie night and she graciously volunteers to entertain Ella Bean. It is one of my favorite nights of the year!

E sitting on his pillow with the big kids
I slept all afternoon and took my nausea meds religiously today with hopes that I would be able to attend movie night. Since it is Saturday I really didn't expect that I would make it through the whole thing, but I wanted a piece of the action. I woke up at 6pm, looked at my alarm clock, and went flying into the shower. Geoff was working on making up our dinner (we decided to forgo grilling out for left-overs...) so I grabbed the kiddos and headed across the street.

I hung out with the adults and talked. Then it started to sprinkle. Everyone made a mad dash to move movie night into the garage (we have done this before).

My picture to the right doesn't give any idea how many kids or adults really were packed into the garage or the huge spread of food...cupcakes, salad, etc.

Approximately 2 minutes into the previews Ella decided she was done with movie night, so she and I headed back home. Not exactly what I had in mind, but I got to socialize and have a little fun. Geoff and E stayed and watched Rio, which I heard from E was really good.

Ella Bean-approximately 30 seconds before being done
All in all, movie night worked out for everyone. Ella and I went home and hung out. Geoff and E got a break. The neighborhood managed to prevail over the weather and I managed to prevail over a chemo Saturday. Oh and as I right this, Geoff ran out to get me ice cream. Definitely, a win for me!

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