Saturday, September 1, 2012


Today was not like the rest of the week. It was basically miserable for all of us. I have been uncomfortable all day and nothing seems to make it better. I rode along as Geoff ran a few errands this morning, but all I wanted to was to get back home. Once we were back home, I felt cooped up. Eventually I did take a Zofran for nausea, but I can't honestly say it helped anything. I was crabby and whiny and offered on multiple occasions to lock myself in a room by myself.

At one point I was in the living room by myself when E came running in yelling "mommy I found you!" I giggled and tried to pretend that he had indeed found me. Then we started a conversation about the big green frog on his t-shirt. I asked him what frogs eat. In reality, I was curious what he would say. We talked about frogs eating bugs the other day, but I wasn't sure if he believed me when I had told him.

He giggled and told me "frogs eat pizza."

I laughed because I knew he was intentionally being silly and replied, "nooooo, not pizza. What DO they eat?"

He paused for a second and replied "pot pies (his favorite food)!" and then started laughing like he had told the funniest joke in the world. Then he told me "no, they eat hot dogs!"

We always suspected that we might have a little comedian on our hands, but I was surprised by his ability to purposefully make up a joke already. He was very proud of himself for making me laugh and told me so multiple times.

It sucks to be sick and have such little kids. It sucks to feel like you can't be the parent you want to be or that you are dumping on your other half...but these crappy days also slow everything down. I get to lay on the couch and really just enjoy my kids.

For the record, he did know that frogs eat bugs; however, I'm guessing if you were to ask him he would probably tell you "frogs eat peanut butter and jelly and bug sandwiches" or "sausage" or "ice cream" or his favorite trick answer for unsuspecting adults "lily pads."

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