Thursday, September 13, 2012


Monday, Wednesday and Fridays the kiddos are both home with me. I usually love these days, but today was a challenge. I was still exhausted from yesterday and I never really got my nausea under control.

Ella woke up before I left for radiation and she wasn't exactly cheerful. According to Geoff, E didn't want to get up this morning. Their moods improved, but not greatly. So we just took it easy today and we got through it. Everyone took naps (including me) and the greatest part of the day was the two of them playing duplos together for nearly an hour with no fighting while we waited for Geoff to get home from work.

I did talk with my radiation oncologist's resident (a new one) and they are suspicious that my post chemo misery is a reaction, so next week we are going to try premedicating with benedryl and increased steroids. I'm not exactly enthusiastic about this, but I am hopeful. I just keep telling myself only two more times.

Right now though, I am exhausted and I am going to sleep.


  1. Yes. only 2 more times! you can do this! And more meds suck, but if they make you feel better it'll be worth it. Also, naps and legos are the best.

    As always, you are amazing. You are totally kicking cancer's ugly ass.
