If you haven't already seen Facebook we went to our favorite apple orchard with my mom and a good time was had by all.
As we sat in the upper orchard by one of the sheep paddocks (the owners of the orchard also have a herd of Black Welsh Sheep for wool/meat/fun) watching E try to pull Ella in a wagon, I closed my eyes, sprawled out in the leaves, and soaked up the sun. The squeals of my kids faded out of my reality for a few brief moments as I allowed myself to wish all radiation treatments were like this.

Both kids were double fisting apples and it took all of us adults to keep Ella from taking more. I don't think I've ever just handed her an apple before so it was pretty fun to watch her crunch away.
It was definitely a day that didn't center around cancer and I am willing to bet that no one that we crossed paths with today would have ever guessed that I have cancer. I'm secretly hoping we go back to the orchard tomorrow!
sounds absolutely lovely! Wish I was there! :)