Monday, September 24, 2012

Little things

There are so many little thoughts on my mind tonight as I try to think about what to write.

Things like how I want to make sure that all of you that have send cards, gift cards, made meals, or helped in any other way know that I will eventually catch up and get thank yous to all of you (no matter what). I wish I was more on top of things, but I am going to use the I have cancer and little kids and I'm tired all the time excuse here.

Another random thought. Everything tastes funny. Everything. I think it is part of the reason for the nausea sometimes. I think something sounds good so I get excited about eating only to realize that whatever it is doesn't taste at all like I think it should. I'll point out the obvious and state, it sucks.

Or this morning in church I was focused on keeping Ella from making too much noise (she thinks she is singing) when all of sudden I realized the sermon was about cancer. Then it was about a young mom with cancer. A young mom who had to stop breastfeeding her 11 month old because of cancer. I wasn't sure what to do. I considered taking a breather and going out to the lobby, but then I realized that other than our pastors and one other family I'm not sure anyone at church knows enough to put it together. It not that it is a secret. It never has been for me, but I just was surprised. I wasn't expecting my 5 minutes of fame to be the church sermon.

Another thought, I went riding tonight after the kids' swimming lessons. My riding buddy and I planned to ride the trails around our barn, but we didn't make it far when our horses were spooked. She did an "emergency dismount" and did not land on her feet. I was focused on keeping Aggie from throwing me but I looked back at one point and it looked like she was getting trampled. She swears she wasn't and that she is fine, but the whole situation was pretty dramatic.

I think that pretty much covers most of what I'm thinking about and I'll work on being more cohesive tomorrow night.

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