Saturday, September 22, 2012

Internal Radiation

So my first internal radiation on Friday went fine. Initially there was a lot of drama about using my port. The anesthesia resident tried to convince me that it was just easier to put in an IV because the anesthesia department doesn't like to be responsible for "infections and such." I refused to back down so he went to check with his attending who acted like it was no problem at all. Turns out the resident has never accessed a port so it was a good learning experience for him in the end.

The anesthesiologist (the attending) was hilarious. I think his personality set both Geoff and I at ease. Once everything was set I was transported to the radiation department. Geoff stayed with me almost until my first dose of Versed. After that I don't remember anything. Apparently, I started to wake up during my MRI and the anesthesiologists had to run in quick and give me some propofol, but I don't remember it. The first recollection I have is my anesthesiologist talking to me on the way to recovery. I really didn't want to wake up, but once I realized where I was and what was going on I got with the program.

I'm not sure how long I was in recovery, maybe 20 minutes? Long enough for me to discontinue my foley catheter (appropriately...I told them I would prefer to do it myself). I had some Zofran and then I was sent back to the cath lab. If you are wondering cath lab? Why the cath lab? Well, that is where UW has people having procedures such as this start out and end, but as of next week all that changes to the "care initiation unit."

I'll be honest, it was kind of fun that I was in the cath lab because 1. I'm comfortable there  and 2. I know people there. At the same time there seemed to be a lot of confusion. First it was about who was going to de-access my port, nursing or anesthesiology. Then, there was confusion about food. Originally Geoff and I were both told I had to eat something before I left, but I never did. There was also confusion about pain meds and discharge instructions. Finally, my doctor was paged and we were told to go back down to radiation oncology on our way out to see her because she couldn't leave the department at that time.

I was doing ok, but this is a significant walk and I was not exactly amused. I just wanted to go home. I didn't really need pain meds, but I needed to know what I could take when I got home. If I could have Ibuprofen or not. Mostly I just wanted some food and to go home. The big plus was for the first time in about a week I wasn't nauseated. Thanks to the IV Zofran (anti-nausea medication) given before and after the procedure my nausea had been taken care of for the time being.

So Geoff and I went to radiation oncology and saw my MD for a few minutes. She came out to the waiting room and got me herself. She pulled us back into an exam room and I asked her what I needed to ask and she looked like a little kid on christmas and asked me "You aren't going to ask how it went? or how everything looked?" It is important to note that was already drawing a picture so I had assumed she was going to tell us. She was very excited to tell us that once again it had shrunk significantly and that she expects it to shrink again by next week. She was really excited and of course we were too.

Then we left. Before we were even out of the hospital parking lot I called and ordered a pizza for take-out. We stopped to pick it up on our way home and I gleefully ate as we drove. It was so nice to be able to eat for a change. My plan was to eat the pizza on the way home so that when we got home and everyone else (Geoff, the kiddos and my parents) was eating pizza I would get first dips on dessert (homemade apple pie, homemade apple bread, and mini cherry cheesecakes). I had some of each!

Over 24 hours and fortunately my nausea hasn't returned yet,. On the other hand, I have a stomach bug or effects of radiation and I've been sick to my stomach since last night. I have to be careful what I eat and I'm trying really hard to stay hydrated. Mostly, I'm just really tired. I did get up and go with Geoff and the kids to the apple orchard again quick to get some Golden Delicious Apples, but it wasn't as fun for me as last weekend. Once we got home it was naptime so I crawled back into bed and I've been taking it easy since. I'm hoping that tomorrow I'll have a little more energy, but for the time being I'm thankful for the lack of nausea. Little victories, I guess.

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