Monday, September 3, 2012

C is for Crazy Cat Lady

Today was another not so great day that I would prefer to forget. As a family we holed up and stayed home which inevitably means we spend quality time with our zoo.

It's funny because I feel like the dogs and cats have been hovering me even more since all of this has happened. I'd like to think it is some sort of a sixth sense about cancer, but really I think it's more of a sixth sense about likelihood of napping in our bed with a warm body. At one point this afternoon I woke up from a nap and realized I was sleeping with one very large dog and a multiple cats (I'd prefer to not say how many). The cats in question don't always get along with each other and they definitely don't always like the dog, but napping with one of us in our bed is often worth unwritten peace treaties.

As I laid there, I realized today's date and the significance for our household. I had to double check a calender to be sure, but I was right. Five years ago today I became a crazy cat lady...well, sort of. (I still say that if my husband is just as big of a sucker about keeping the cats as me AND I'm married then I can't really be a crazy cat lady, but decide for yourself)

So the story goes like this. Geoff and I had just bought our house in WI and he was living here and I was still living in our townhouse in the cities. I had the dogs living with me and he had our two snotty Siamese cats living with him. We were a couple weeks from me moving and just under a month from getting married. I have no idea why it seemed like a good idea (it probably really didn't even at the time), but I answered a Craigslist ad asking for someone to foster a pregnant cat. I told Geoff about it and he agreed.

I picked up the cat and brought her home. I set up her up with her own quiet room. I took her to the vet the next day and was told to expect 5 kittens any day.

Geoff drove to the cities for the holiday weekend. We ran errands and shopped. I have no idea what we went to Home Depot for on the evening of Sunday September 2, 2007, but I know that when we came home I walked into my first doula job.

Emma had already had two kittens. A big white one with grey tabby spots and another black one that was still wet from the amniotic sac. She was in the process of having kitten number 3. All we could see of the newest addition was an obvious white streak down the middle of a dark colored back. The kitten resembled a skunk. We had no idea that the kitten in question was a boy and we never meant for the name Flower to actually stick, but it did.

We also never meant for Emma and her 5 kittens to stay with us permanently, but they did.

Happy 5th Birthday Kitties!

(I'll post pics/video at some later date...)

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