Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today was a great day...a really great day.

This morning started out as a mad dash to get to radiation and back home as fast as possible because it was E's first day of preschool. My radiation was scheduled for 7:30 this morning and E was supposed to be at preschool at 8:20. I did the best that I could, but we were about 15 minutes late. Preschool was very understanding, but I think next time (tomorrow) Geoff will do the drop off.

Technically E is supposed to be completely potty trained for preschool, but his teacher called Monday and said to bring him anyway. E was a champ about it all and it was so excited about school. They said he was a very good listener and follows directions really well.

Ella went to daycare today like usual (she usually goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays) so I had a little time to myself this morning to get a few things done. Then at about 10:30 I started a mad dash to get everything ready so I could bike to pick E up.

Preschool probably isn't even a mile from our house so it really isn't any huge accomplishment, but I'm so tired right now I felt like it was. I had always planned on biking or walking to and from preschool so I was determined to make this work. The attachments for our bike trailer were on one of Geoff's bikes so I had to get his bike down and put the attachments on my bike, put air in all the tires and go.

The way there was easy. It is a very gradual downhill. I picked him up and he was excited that he was going to get to bike home with me. I won't lie there may have been some choice words aimed at cancer mumbled under my breath on the way home. I did it though and I am proud of myself!

To me this was a particularly special accomplishment today because one of the people I usually see in radiation every morning has been really sick for the last couple days. He started his treatments two days after me and he and his wife looked unusually miserable this morning. I found out from talking with them that he been hospitalized the last few days and is having a really hard time with radiation. Biking as short as it may be seemed like a huge accomplishment in comparison and it really made me happy that I am able to take such baby steps.

After we got home I spent the rest of the day being blessed with phone calls and visits from friends and my pastor. It was a wonderful day and I feel so loved ....and well fed! By the way, E and Ella thank you for the introduction to Cool Whip!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yay for baby steps! You are totally rocking this. like E is gonna totally rock preschool! just a whole family of awesome! also, *BLEEP* cancer. it sucks. :D

  3. I love the picture of E and I am proud of you!
