Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Primary Care Provider

Today my left foot is black and blue and really swollen. It doesn't fit comfortably into any shoes and I can only hobble around. I decided that this warranted a visit to my primary care provider.

This is funny because I have only seen my primary care provider once.  I met with him so they would put his name on my insurance cards and I would look like I had a primary care provider. In reality I would see my midwife or women's health nurse practitioner if I needed anything.

Regardless I couldn't get in to see him today so I happily saw the physician's assistance from the clinic instead. She was very thorough and in addition to ordering 3 views of my foot she also told me that I am due for a tetanus vaccine, a lipid panel, and a PAP smear.

I consented to the first two and actually added a tb test, but I declined the PAP smear. She read my history and knew I recently had treatment for "clear cell adenocarcinoma of the cervix." I told her that I was not due for a pap smear at this time, and she looked at me trying to gauge if I knew what I was talking about. She asked who my gynecologist is. I told her the name and stated that he is a gyn oncologist. She looked at me funny again. It didn't occur to me later how funny that sounds "gyn oncologist" and that she probably thought I had no idea how to say gynecologist.

Regardless, I left 3 poke holes later with the information that my foot doesn't appear to be broken.

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