Monday, January 28, 2013

Humpty Dumpty

My dad had a consult with a vascular surgeon on Friday and it was decided that the clot needed to go. Bright and early Saturday morning my dad checked into the hospital for a 10 am cath procedure. Due to a few emergencies my dad was bumped back to mid afternoon, but he ended up with a cath on Sat. and another on Sun. After aggressive treatment most of the clot is gone and my dad is back home. He will be on Coumadin (rat poison) for life and currently is not happy with how this may cramp his style.

Meanwhile, I was feeling pretty good. After my blog posts last week my GI issues have seemed to  clear up. I finished my antibiotics and everything seemed to be normalizing. Then Ella got a stomach bug. Then Geoff got it. Then E got it...meanwhile I wash my hands about a billion times a day.

Then today just as I was getting the kids done with lunch and ready for naptime I crashed. Suddenly out of nowhere I was exhausted. Fortunately for me Geoff had come home for lunch so he helped me with the dogs and clean up after lunch. I got E down and then Ella down and shortly after I decided to take a "short nap." Three and a half hours later I woke up when Geoff came home from work. Crap!

I haven't had the GI issues that the rest of them have had, but I continue to be exhausted again. I reluctantly dragged myself out the door to some mandatory preschool parent meeting only to find out it was about 4 year old kindergarten. Let me just say, I'm not a huge fan. Geoff and I have mixed feelings on the subject so I left our house exhausted and busted back in 45 minutes later all fired up.

We proceeded to talk the meeting and our children's educations while we ate dinner and hung out with the kids. Just as things started to settle down I noticed I had missed a call. I saw who it was and skipped the voicemail. I knew it was about Aggie, our horse. All I could think was "please no!" Apparently Aggie was having some GI upset too (horses do NOT do GI upset well), but all is ok.

Just as I was getting off the phone I went back downstairs to tell Geoff that I wanted to sneak out to the barn tonight and I promptly fell down the stairs. I knew immediately by the shooting pain that I had turned an ankle or something. E saw the whole thing and started yelling "you ok Mommy? Mommy, you ok? Mommy I help you? Hang on...I'll go get my Dr. kit!"

In a true testament to how easy it is to tune out a 3 year old and whiny wife Geoff was oblivious to the situation. I fell while I was still on the phone and I tried to continue to act normal. As I mentioned E saw the whole thing and I wanted to act tough for him so I suppressed A LOT of four letter words. My tough act was short lived though. As soon as I got off the phone I started sobbing. Geoff came running just as E arrived with his Dr. kit. It was one of those moments when I was in pure agony, but the pure innocence of E's actions made me so proud and amused. So in addition to sobbing, I started laughing.

It took me a couple of minutes to get from face down on the carpet to sitting up to hobbling to the couch to sitting on the couch, but I did it. Geoff kept me supplied with ice packs and pain meds. Overall, I'm sure I'll be fine, but it feels like I turned an ankle and pulled the arch in my other foot. It's the arch that's killing me because the pain shoots up my leg every time I move it. I feel like a mess. Every time I take a step forward I take another one back. At times it makes me feel a little like "all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put humpty together again."

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