Sunday, December 9, 2012

Winter Wonderland

So I have a little secret to share...I've been hoping for a few weeks that our first real snowfall would be today...and it was.

I have been checking the weather like mad for the past two weeks, especially this last week because we had our family photos scheduled for today. We wanted to have the pictures done with our horse in an area that if I remember correctly is a former tree farm.

Never did I expect everything to work out so perfectly.

Our pictures turned out beautifully. It looks like a winter wonderland! Want to see for yourself? Check out...

I've known what the kids and I were going to wear for weeks (Geoff is on his own), but I stayed up past 2am making sure everything was ready for our 8:30 appointment. When I went to bed it wasn't snowing and the last weather report I read said that it wasn't supposed to snow until afternoon. I was pretty bummed.

When I got up at 6:30 I was really dragging, but then I looked outside and saw the snow. I was like a little kid on Christmas.

Our kids were pretty excited too when they found Alfred, our Christmas elf, sitting in one of the pine trees. According to E he must have flown there and is hoping that he will fly home for tomorrow morning. Although E did take the time to question me tonight about whether I touched/brought Alfred (in case you don't aren't supposed to touch your elf, it disturbs their "magic"). Anyway, Alfred was thoughtful enough to bring the kids some presents and candy canes too.

It was absolutely magical...Except for the cold part. The kids didn't last long before shivering set in and both wanted to go inside to warm up. We tried jackets/hats/mittens but they were pretty much done.

In the end this was good because I had a very difficult time warming up myself. I didn't realize it until we were driving home, but my jeans were drenched. I had brought some snuggly fleece pants to change into, but I forgot those too until we were halfway home. I had been feeling so well I didn't think anything of it.

After the pictures we drove straight to church to talk with E's Sunday school teacher about the Christmas program next weekend and then headed home so I could change clothes. After that we headed back out to run some errands which was to include going to see real reindeer with the kids, but we didn't even make it a mile before I realized I wasn't going to make it.

I couldn't warm up and I hurt everywhere. I had taken pain meds when we stopped at home and they probably didn't have time to kick in yet, but I knew it wasn't going to matter. This was a get in bed with heat packs and sleep kind of misery. So that is exactly what I did. I slept most of the rest of the day. I woke up when Ella woke up from her nap and Geoff, Ella and I snuck downstairs so Geoff and I could play Wii while E was still sleeping. Geoff was sweet enough to move all my heat packs/heating pads downstairs and I camped there until it was bedtime for the kids.

It amazes me sometimes how easily I forget that I have limitations or how intangible they are sometimes. I had no idea that I pushed it today, much less how far I pushed it. More than likely it was the lack of sleep combined with the cold, but it was the first time I really realized how fragile and vulnerable I still am. I didn't like it.

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