Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wish List

I have been asked repeatedly for a wish list, esp. with Christmas presents for the kids.

I have said I would write one while internally debating if that was actually asking for help again which I said I would not do. In the end, I was asked one too many times and I have decided to share our wish list. I do have cancer after all, and technically if I listen to what I'm told and not what I feel this could be my last Christmas (though this is NOT the plan!!!).

Before I actually give my list I want to state that I/we are doing well. We are doing much better. Financially things are by no means fixed, but there is a long term plan and thanks to many of you things are so much better which ultimately reduces stress and makes emotionally and even physically so much better. We have even had a little extra money so that we can do things such as take advantage of a friend of a friend's discount and buy a Bitty Baby American Doll for Ella for Christmas.

Definitely not a necessity I know, but I always wanted an American Girl Doll as a child and I vowed that I would give one to my little girl someday. Then I get cancer and I'm not sure I will have the chance to see her grow up with one of the historic dolls, and I couldn't afford to buy her the baby doll right now. A friend of a friend was gracious enough to offer her discount so once we had our bills paid we allowed ourselves a little to do things like make sure this dream comes true.

It doesn't just end there...Then a friend of these two (the original friend and the one that shared her discount) anonymously bought clothes and a book for Ella's Bitty Baby with the stipulation that we would share pictures from Christmas morning. I got an email that warned me ahead of time that any "extra" American Girl packages were not in fact a mistake and I just cried and cried, then I got the package and I cried more. I called Geoff and I called my mom and then I looked through it all again and again. I have to say it was the greatest Christmas present for me, and hopefully Ella.

I despise cancer and I'm getting to a point where I'm really really sick of this being a part of my everyday life. It's been over a year and I've been in treatment almost the whole time except for 3 months when it was thought that I was in remission, but even in those 3 months I didn't feel well and I was in and out the clinic/Emergency Dept./etc. Honestly, it's depressing. Winter was really really hard for me last year and now that I know what I'm up against, it's hard facing the onset of winter again.

I'm not giving up or evening thinking about it. I'm just trying to regroup. I'm trying to figure out how to stay positive when overwhelmed with cancer. I'm trying to make sure that I live my life and cancer is just a part of it, and not what dictates it. More than anything, I'm doing what I've tried to do all along...Realize that there are a lot of good things that come from cancer and to focus on those aspects.

We have been so fortunate and dare I say spoiled by all of you. I want to make sure to share that so no one thinks that we are just trying to milk our situation for all it's worth. We know that there are other families out there that haven't been as fortunate and personally, I don't want to take away from their needs.

Ultimately though people are going to do what they want and if some of you wish to help us, then we will graciously say thank you (and probably cry). You have no idea how much this means to us and hopefully you will never be in a situation where you need to know.

Also, I have to say thank you to the person who read my blog post before Geoff's bday and anonymously bought him an iPad mini. He loves it (maybe more than me?)! :)

So here is the list...
*a small pack of size 5 Huggies Diapers (we mostly use cloth, but sometimes we cave and use disposables...esp. if traveling)
*Huggies wipes
*Paper towels
*Toilet paper
*Tidy Cat Kitty Litter
*Cat treats
*Bird Seed-I really love the birds (so do our cats, dogs, and kids), but I really really love filling the feeders and watching what comes to visit us
**Unpaper towels-yes we are that crunchy
**Planetwise bags-we love these! We esp. need zipper bags (we use them for lunches and snacks in the car)
**Cuisinart Juice Extractor-you can get it anywhere, I just knew Kohl's had it and they have coupons/discounts

Oompa Toys-we have a wishlist here with toys that go along with things we already have
Legos-E LOVES any and all Legos
Magformers-the greatest toys EVER!!! Everyone in our house big and small loves these toys...usually cheapest on (I'm embarrased to say this) QVC website...we have two sets over the years and would love more!!!
Fulfilled: An advent calender-Playmobile, Legos, Chocolate, whatever
**E's big request this Christmas: "a remote controlled helicopter," preferably orange (no, I don't even know where to get this) "or a fire truck"

Addendum: I received an email this morning telling me I could add a wish list to Hanna Anderson (one of our favorite brands of kid's clothes), so I did...apparently it's through a registry site so I can add from any other website too, but if you would like to help with kid's clothes here is a list of suggestions...I added a few silly non-kids stuff too
Kid's clothes wish list


Big Ticket:
The Great Wolf-A night or two at the Great Wolf Lodge in WI Dells
The Osthoff-A night or two at the Osthoff or even just some time in the spa...esp. reiki treatments
Fulfilled:  New cordless phones-our landline phones are dying and never seem to work
New brakes for my car
A vacation ANYWHERE!

Take this list as you will. We don't expect anything to come from it, but it was kind of fun to think up what we would love to have...

1 comment:

  1. I saw that you were looking for Magformers toys. They are currently on sale on Zulily for what looks like really great prices. I just wanted to share.
