Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wigs and Pink eye

I made it through round 4.2 of chemo today. Geoff and I drove separate so he could pick E up from preschool because we were pretty sure that I wouldn't be done before E.

Usually E has "wrap around care" which means he goes to another room for more post-preschool daycare with a few other kids his age and a year or two older. Since this week is technically a bonus preschool week there is no wrap around.

Overall it worked out fine. Geoff picked him up and made him lunch. I stopped and got myself a Jimmy John's sandwich on the way home. By the time I got home it was nearly nap time. Geoff left and went to work for the rest of the day and E and decided to take naps together.

He snuggled in to our bed and watched a little Nick Jr. while I talked to my mom for a few minutes and then we both slept most of the rest of the afternoon.

Then Geoff picked Ella up from daycare and brought her home before he headed off to an in-service night for faculty at ITT Tech. As we were waving good-bye to Geoff I noticed a package on the front steps. I know who it was from and it made me giggle as it was a couple of small magazines, a wig, and a case of natural pectin for canning. I had given this person a jar of homemade strawberry jam awhile back and I was tickled that she obviously remembered just in time for jam season. The wig made me laugh too. The kids wanted to put it on all their stuffed animals and E asked approximately 2.5 million questions about it.

Wigs have been an adult topic frequently lately as I am constantly reminded that I can get high quality ones for free at the cancer center. I have also had numerous people offer to lend me or give me one. I think people are having a hard time with how awkward my hair looks during this peach fuzz stage. Trust me I don't like it either. I've debated shaving it all off again multiple times. Mostly so that as it grows back in, it can actually grow in at it's normal thickness, but I don't think I'm going to do it. (Don't hold me to that though when the temps are in the high 90's plus)

Geoff is knitting me a hat made out of some cashmere and silk yarn I picked out when I first donated my hair. Originally I was going to make the hat, but then I decided I didn't feel like it and since he still wanted to make me a hat I passed the precious yarn on to him. He already made me one hat way back in March when he flew to San Diego for his brother's wedding, but it was knit too loosely and I managed to snag it one too many times to wear it out in public.

I was very pleased to find that his (our) aunt also knit me a hat. I came home from Nashville to find a little package with a hat that has barely made it's way off my head. I have a lot of non-knit hats and bandanas and scarves, but for some reason this hat just seems to be the perfect one right now. I wore it to chemo today and it's on as I write's just right (ok, it's a little big, but that's part of what I like about it). Also, I don't think it looks like a traditional chemo hat and it makes it less obvious that I don't have any hair underneath it.

So, pink eye. No, I do not have it and hopefully, I won't get it, but it appears our kids may have it. I found eye drops from a previous time and started a strict regimen of warm compresses and eye drops. I felt bad sending E to preschool and Ella to daycare with the knowledge that they may have it, but E looked fine this morning and I'm hedging my bets that daycare sent it home with Ella in the first place. Sure enough at the end of the day today I got a call from daycare stating they think that Ella might have pink eye. Since it was approximately a half hour before Geoff was to pick her up they told me not to worry about picking her up earlier. They reassured me they would be disinfecting everything and I decided she's staying home with us tomorrow. Unfortunately this means chemo with Ella, but it should only be an hour or so. We've done it before and we'll do it again.

Other than that I am still really tired from the combination of driving home through the night and back to back chemo days. Ella was up for a couple hours last night and that didn't exactly help the situation as some of it I suspect was her just wanting to spend time with me (as she held me tight, smiled at me, and sang to could you be mad about that?). Tomorrow I thought I had a break day, but now I'll have both kids home with me after chemo, so I need to try to get some quality sleep tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I love your pretty peach fuzzy head! Just talking about it makes me want to rub it! If you have great hats to wear, it is all good. But I'm just telling you that your pretty head shouldn't make anyone feel uncomfortable. It is a reminder that you are a warrior princess right now. Love & peace to you today, will be lifting you up in my thoughts & prayers, Lisa (miss you)
