Yesterday went pretty well. I was really excited to be back at work. I showed up with energy and ready to go, but after a few hours my energy sort of fizzled out. In the end I didn't quite do 6 hours.
I have days like that where my energy just is gone all of a sudden and all I want to do is sleep. I left work with the greatest of intentions of going home to sleep, but life had other plans. I ended up having to pick up Ella from daycare bc it was a Wednesday and Geoff needed to get to his teaching job. Then I had to pick up 2 of our dogs from doggy daycare. Finally after all of that I got to go home.
Fortunately for me, my mom and godmother were waiting for me. They helped with the kiddos and ran off to the store to "make dinner." They were gone just long enough for me to give Ella a quick bath to remove the pink paint that was on her arms, face, hair...yes, hair. I don't fault daycare one bit. Last weekend at the Children's Museum Ella managed to sneak away from four adults for about 30 seconds. Next thing I knew she was covered in purple. Outfit, face, hands, pretty much everything. I was not happy with her, but I was also not surprised.
Anyway, after dinner, my mom and godmother helped me clean up and then they left to head back to my parents (a few hours away). I let the kids watch a little tv while I made cupcakes for E's preschool class today and then while those were baking I put Ella to bed. Very shortly after that I put E to bed and then I put myself to bed. I was out cold long before Geoff was home.
I vaguely remember talking to Geoff for a minute when he came home but then I went back to sleep. I got more sleep last night than I have in a long time, yet I was wiped again this morning. This morning was the first time I felt really crummy as I got up, but it didn't take long before that improved. Unfortunately the exhaustion didn't. In the end I stayed home from work to sleep, but of course that didn't work either. Once I could physically sleep, I mentally couldn't.
For the most part I took it easy and tried to work on my never ending list of things to do in the company of my heating pad. Now it's nearly 10 pm and I'm crashing and there is still a million things to do like pack diapers for Daycare tomorrow, or put the dogs out one more time, or pack for the weekend (for all of us of course)...I guess some of it will just have to wait until tomorrow.
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